Peppermint Castile Soap Free Sample
6 reviews
SKU: freesample1
orders for sample only will not be fulfilled.
Peppermint Castile Soap There is a limit of one (3) purchase per person anything above (3) will be automatically removed during the packing process.
Peppermint Castile Soap There is a limit of one (3) purchase per person anything above (3) will be automatically removed during the packing process.
Khitam Barakat Peppermint Castile Soap Free Sample
Ims Customer review
Jenna Barber I have been using MyBlackSeed.com for years. I generally buy the Happy perfume. I can’t tell You the amount of times I get stopped and asked what I’m wearing. It smells intoxicatingly delicious! I love the choice of free samples too! This peppermint castle soap is wonderful!
Anon Customer review
anonymous Have not tried it yet